I might be able to join a writing group, just wondering what anyone else's experiences have been in such groups.
I take it you mean a live group. The closest I have been in is a Creative Writing course. But even though it was an elective, not everyone in it was all that motivated (it was an Elective that counted toward a Humanities requirement).
AH. Yeah. The lady said that they get together and are given a topic and they write a short story about the said topic. The next time they meet up they read out the short story they have written. I'm nervous about joining a group. especially when the lady said that I would be the youngest there! But I'm pretty nervous around groups.
Doz I would join if I were you. Go and try it for a week or two. You are not signing your life away and you don't have to continue if you don't like it. Give it a shot though. You only live once.
^that appears to have possablitlies of being view wrong! Thankyou Lessa for your advice. Greatly appreciated!
LOL. That made sense actually. Probably the first thing tonight. Oh well. I just gotta remind this lady about the meetings!
Personally, I've noticed that people in writing groups aren't too motivated and often find themselves with writer's block, but I think that's why you should go, so that if you find yourself in that type of situation you can learn to work through it. It's helped me a few times.
thanks for explaining what a writing group is as I didn't know. And it sounds like a good idea, give you a boost in your confidence and showing people your work. It is so much easier to post on here as you know few of the people but in a goup it will be harder but really help I think. Go for it
I belong to a different kind of group, where we put our current WIP's before the group before the group for review. It really helps a lot.