Is there a place, a time, or a certain setting you like to be in when you write? When does your creativity reach it's highest points?
My creativity does not really have a peek, but I can write pretty much anywhere, and though I like to be alone I can write in the company of other people as well. I had a wonderful experience once, writing in the autumn between a large lake and some trees with a note pad and pencil.
There isn't really any special place or time for me, I just have to lie down somewhere and let my mind drift. It's surprising what I will think of when I let my mind drift. Then all I have to do is jot it down and write it up later
Yeah, I never had a place either. I write when I think up something, and that's usually all the time. Little things to add to a story. That's why I always have a pen and paper on me. Good ideas plus bad memory equals frustrating return to my laptop
In light of that, I guess I would have to say I definitely don't write as much in the morning. Maybe because I have more time to write and I'm not thinking about it as much, but the closer to sunrise, the less likely I am to be thinking about it. Besides, I'm half zombie anyway I don't see how you do it, Cog.
I can write at any time it doesn't really matter to me but I will say I'm easily distracted so late at night would probably be the best time for me. Less distractions then
The right place, for me, varies. Sometimes I have to be at home and secluded to get my writing done. At other times, I stare at the screen at home and end up heading to a coffee shop and suddenly I'm writing again. The only constant is that I've taken a strong liking to full-screen text editors. So-called "distraction free" writing programs that are available freely online. I get a lot more done when I sit down to write, because you have generally have to stop writing and exit the program to check the web browser, or email or what have you.
I think I tried the coffee shop thing once, but didn't like it. Not that I can't write in public, it just felt like I was really out-of-place. Like "what the hell am I doing here" type of feeling. Maybe cause I don't like coffee, lol
I prefer to be in a quiet, secluded place. But once I get a good start I can write a good amount no matter where I am.
My peak of creativity is when i stop being lazy haha. Mine depends, it could be in a loud place or a very quiet soothing scenario.
A quiet spot does not work for me. I can conncentrate better with some background noise. TV works, but not music.
I like being alone most of the time. However, my friend James has a lot of good story ideas, and I like collaborating with him. I like writing outside, too -- usually during early morning or late evening, even nighttime.
I can only write (properly write) with quiet. I can only write on a computer since I edit as I go and stuff written in long-hand too quickly becomes a mess of corrections and crossings-out. Most creative when I'm feeling physically alive and ebullient and happy. Lethargy can strike at any time and then I can barely think, let alone write.