I have been reading through a lot of the posts for the last hour and haven't found anything that addresses this situation oddly enough. Though I have never had what one would describe as Writers Block but I have had this recurring issue with writing. Ideas, even whole plots, have been forming in my mind but I'm not sure how I should go about communicating it. Reading books recently, instead of analyzing them from an english major perspective I have been analyzing them from a writers perspective. How does a writer communicate something and now I feel lost in the techniques. For instance I have this idea from something I wrote a long time ago. Ideas, symbolically, characterized as dinosaurs or monsters. A sentence, is a mosquito. and story with only a sentence missing is a ferocious dangerous creature hunting for it's own solution. ect. It was inspired by Ray Bradbury's "the illustrated man" an overall story, that his short stories within it." I could communicate and explore an entire world using short stories. But I'm not sure how to communicate that idea, what kind of technique can I use to link these short stories to certain creatures, or show that the creatures are symbolic of how stories interrelate and affect one another. One writer, idea, inspiring another writer. Any help or thoughts on the topic would be highly appreciated!
is this a duplicate thread?... seems to me i saw it in another section... if so, better have a mod delete any dupes, as that's not allowed here...
I'm not quite sure what you're asking. The animal metaphor just made it more confusing. I will answer what I guess the question was: When I don't know how to write something, I just write it. I don't care about stuff that doesn't make sense, I just get it out there. In the second draft I fix it up. Hope I helped somewhat!