Hey guys, I am planning to write a detective fiction (mystery). I am not sure of the basics of writing one and what my plot should be. I would appreciate your help. I am also wondering whether there is such thing as a Detective Thriller and if so I would also appreciate some tips on that. Thanks!
There are quite a few True Crime magazines that wxhibit the kind of writing yoiu are describing. A good place to start is to read and study a number of these. A number of novels in the Mystery section of the bookstore also fall into this category, but I'd recommend starting with short stories.
Mystery Fiction Hello, er, Hellomoto, I agree with Cogito in that you must read mystery (and enjoy it) in order to write mystery. There are certain formats and formulas involved in mystery writing. Of course, I must also include that caveat that in writing, and one of the things I love about the craft, is all rules and formulas only serve as guides for the genre. They can be broken or disregarded but only if the writer does so with great skill. I would suggest you spend some time reading Mystery before attempting to write it, and then only if you truly enjoy reading the genre. For now anyway, stick to what you enjoy the most.
Hellomoto, If you're unsure if such a thing as detective thrillers exist, then you have some time at the library or bookstore to schedule, and some time reading. No one can 'give' you a plot to write. To be most effective, you'll need to devise one on your own, from your ideas and imagination. Here is an article that may be of some use to get ideas flowing (as far as how to structure the plot): CraftFest Talk: The Six Biggest Mistakes Even Bestselling Writers Make Reading some short mystery fiction might be a good idea. Here are two links to some respected ezines in the short mystery fiction area: Mouth Full of Bullets Mysterical-E I've had one short mystery story published ("Drug Dogs") in the January/February edition of Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine. It can be purchased as a downloadable PDF file or a print edition. **Yes, I'm promoting the magazine, however, I'm not making any additional income from sales. And before you consider purchasing a copy--there are good stories in there--see if you like the free online ezines above. Many of the writers in those markets also sold to Futures Mystery Anthology Magazine. Good luck. Terry
You could change it in each chapter like a book i've been reading called: The Husband. Like one chapter mystery and one a thriller. I'm not sure there is a Detective Thriller Though.