Not big on the alcohol here. But if I did, I'm wondering if it'll be like Peter on Family Guy. I could create a masterpiece. Haha.....if only.
yes, and we are not the only ones many artists (umbrella term) sometimes perform under some kind of influence (another umbrella term) supposedly alot of Jazz players play while high, but that might have been moreso in the depression era Edgar Alan Poe was a wino, and in his case fed a dark vision that made him famous. Then again he had alot of demons that alcohol could have made worse. Van Gogh was probably born a little strange, and he drank Absinthe. Most important thing is that if you write, write, don't develop bad habits that are unhealthy and can prevent you from working for the sake of "ideas".
Seems pointless. I suppoise the appeal would be to be just as clever as the lout staggering around the party slurring obnoxious one-liners thinks he is.
good point, and that fellow that wrote Naked Lunch too, William S Burroughs, but in his case I think he could have gotten more done if he was doing less drugs, he was really in space half the time PS I think Thompson was much more than drunk, the collection of drugs in that case of the trunk of his rental car in Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas is enough to get the entire Bolivian Navy high!
Stephen King was a heavy drinker and drug user for most of his early career. In his biography/writing manual 'On Writing', he wrote that he does not even remember writing his novel 'Cujo' because he was so high and or drunk the whole time.
I'm alergic to alcohol so I don't do the drunk-writing thing but I've found that I can be pretty inspired if I have to force myself to stay awake at the wheel... uh, keyboard. I have some medication that makes me drowsy which I have to take but sometimes after taking them I find myself at the computer instead of in bed.
I've done it. It's okay, if you ignore the strangely ordered sentences and the grammar mistakes. And the absence of a plot--or any sense at all.
well that makes me feel better. I occasionally write while a little tipsy. it can make it easier to relax and let my creativity flow. Geez, so many people have probably said that of so many substances! Basically, it makes it easier to stop overthinking and just write.
I was a little tipsy on wine when I wrote a few pages of my story. Sadly, it wasn't better or worse, but equally as terrible as it would have been if I were completely sober. I don't have alcohol induced genius in me. Sigh.
I have! And shockingly it turns out quiet good. I dont rely on it, but when the kiddo is asleep and the husband goes to bed early, sometimes I combine my two favorite pastimes and see what happens.
I have but it wasn't for the explicit purpose of geting drunk or writing in such a state (the wine happened to be fantastic). I have know a few writers who became dependent on alcohol to finish their work simply because it was the most reliable way they knew to quiet their inner critic.
I often write while enjoying the greeny meanies, and I gotta say, a lot of it's pretty nice... feels more philosophically open. I've never written while slurping the drink, but I'm pretty sure it'd be a terror to read in sobriety.
Nope. Never. Writing under the influence of cannabis..... is another story. *Please understand that under no circumstances am I promoting the use of cannabis. The answer I have given reflects a factual statement and admission of truth to something which happened in the distant past, back in the day, when I was at university. /caveat *
i used to, in my old life, but not on purpose [as an 'aid' to writing, that is]... and never while 'drunk'... just sometimes would sip on a glass of white wine, or a stoli and soda, while i worked... and no, you could't tell from my writings which were written 'under the influence' and which weren't, as it made no difference in how well i could write...
yes, I understand about the dependent thing. I usually only drink on the weekends and I usually don't write while drinking. However, my first novel is nearing completion of it's first draft so I've been pushing extra hard. Not that I've been using alcohol as an "accelerant" or anything, I just happened to be drinking last night while writing. It's at about 74,000 words and I have just a handful of chapters left. Then I will go back and read it and make sure nothing is missing. Since this was my first novel, I learned as I was writing, so I'm not looking forward to correcting any inconsistencies early on. Then once I get it to a place where I like it, I move on to find an agent and/or publisher. oh well, it's not going to write itself!
King wrote his best stuff while waisted, IMO. One time I was so high, I drew this awesome picture and wrote this awesome page to go with it. Well, it was awesome until I viewed the page the next day.
I seem to remember King saying he was rather sad that he couldn't remember writing that novel--he said he wished he could remember writing the good parts. I don't use alcohol. It's unhealthy amounts of caffiene that seem to do the trick for me. That's what I tell myself, anyway, when I'm two paragraphs in and working on my third Red Bull.