ever stop drinking, i miss it, i felt so much better bak then, and now ive stoped, because i dont wanna end up dying cuz of it, but i miss it... ok, so i guess this thread will be about things we miss, things we regret, that kind of thing
I think Pyrox, that your decision to not rely on 'drinking' (by which I assume you're refering to alcohol) is a wise one, despite how good it may have made you feel. Drinking is not the answer to any problem (well, any problem of depth like depression), it'll just destroy you not only mentally but physically, like one of friends who although underage used to drink liberally, as if there was no tomorrow, she fortunately has stopped because her excessive alcohol intake was causing her to develop enormous stomache ulcers and was messing up her patterns of thought. Anyway enough with the lecture, I just hope you at least limit your 'drinking', I'm sure your body will appreciate it. As for the thread itself, I miss conversation, I don't get too many satisfying conversations these days.
o, i stopped drinking, completely, been a while, i miss it though, but i can live without it. it was just something to take the edge off, or to help me forget, just for a little while, that anything was wrong with me
Yeah I know, my friend drunk for similar reasons. The ironic thing about alcohol is that it is a depressant and its more likely to make you feel worse in the long run. Good on you for giving it up Pyrox, it may be missed but i think you'll find missing it as a good deal when it comes to maintaining your well being.
Alcohol abuse only adds to the problem though and creates more problems. I abused alcohol for a long time and luckily was able to give it up. I drink again now, but I am a lot more careful and drink less. Plus I drink a glass of water every two drinks as well. My biggest regret is pushing everyone I know away and for not spending enough quality time with my brother when he was alive. I miss most hearing his car coming down the street 10 minutes before I saw it and going to the bakery at night just to chat to him and the rest of the workers. I don't go there much anymore.
u r rite, though while u r drunk, it can make u happy for a bit, but it is a false happiness,a nd once u r sober again, the void is much bigger, as is the strength of the pain, it just comes bak and hits u rite in the face
Yeah, I'd agree on this Eoz, well said. Alcohol is fake in it's peace, so when you are lured to lose your senses to an alcoholic beverage in paltry hopes of imaginary peace of mind, put it aside. I really regret my conduct with Grandpa and Uncle before their deaths. Now I realize how loving and innocently sweet they both were.
I think I fall in between on this. To never regret ones actions or choices is to plow on blindly through life, with no incentive to learn from mistakes. But dwelling on regrets is not moving forward. The other side of it is that although I may have regrets over a decision, not every outcome of that decision is negative. Marrying my ex certainly has regrets associated with it. But if I hadn't, I wouldn't have my two wonderful children, and I also learned some very important relationship lessons from my choice. So although I would choose very differently in the future, I would not like to go back and change my past.
What do I regret? I regret beign with an alcaholic that mentaly abused me. I regret a lot of things but the truth is, I'm a heck of a lot stronger now after being through all that crap. Woudl it of turned out differently? or if none of this had happened, maybe I woudl still be painfully shy whereas now I'm pretty confident, well, most of the time! So I don't regret much but on the topis of missing things, I miss being a kid. I miss being innocent and the feelign I got when It was cristmas day and my birthday, gettign excited like that I miss. I miss the smell of new school stuff. I miss riding home from school in the rain to find my mum waiting for us kids with a cup of hot milo. I miss sleepovers with my friends and talking all nigth about how when we grew up our houses were going to be living together, houses, nay, mansions! would be joined by a hallway and we would have cute boyfriends. I miss pretty much everything. The innocence of this life. I won't get it back and I feel sad about that.
I regret nothing. I am who I am. I like my skeletons in their closet and I have learned from all the things from my past. Without them i would not be the person i am today
Agreed. What has happened in the past makes us who we are today. Things might of gone differently, I mean, maybe I wouldn't of met the most wonderful guy so yeah, I don't think I would want to change anything because I like what I have now!
i am not necessaril regretting anything that was done to me, because it made me stronger, ts the stuff that i have done that i regret sometimes. i think the only thing that was done to me that i regret was losing my childhood, i wish i had actually had oe, because i never did and now i will never have one
sometimes it's fun to act like a kid. Adults are r too serious! But try not to think to hard. If anyone or everyone thought too hard about what they did or what they didn't do, their heads would explode, and mine first!
Fortunately pyrox it isn't your fault that your childhood was lost (from what I infer away by reading some of your posts describing your past), thus you shouldn’t feel regret for that which you had no control over anyway. Also, you're not the only one who has not experienced parts of their lives to the full. I lost the majority of my adolescence because I was busy looking after my younger brother and my extremely sick mother whilst simultaneously trying to make up for the absence of my Father whom had left when I was 13. Of course things are much, much better now and I am so appreciative that I am alive and have been given the opportunity to get on and enjoy my life. I know it can be difficult but dwelling upon the past and getting angry at it and yourself only moves you further away from letting it go.
It's true, that everything happened to me is an integral part of me. I wouldn't want to change it, but I often wonder if it would be better, if these things hadn't happened. I wonder...
I regret not acting sooner. It seems to be my fundamental regret, that out of uncertainty I have delayed many an action that turned out to be the best course to take (and which I knew at the time would be). But if I keep making the same mistake, perhaps I will learn from it, and learn to be decisive earlier, when the world isn't crashing down around my ears.