Hello I am new here and just wanted to post this.I have been wanting to sit down and write not memoirs but story's of journeys and adventures I have had in my life. Maybe some short story's also.Since I am semi-retired I have a lot of time on my hands.I also realize I am not getting younger so I need to write these story's down. I have had a very weird and amazing life and have been to and seen many things. I have told some of my stories to people and they have said that I remind them of a real life Forrest Gump with the unusual things that has taken place in my journey through life. I would like to post as my introduction a story. It may be true....or not. I live near Malibu in California and I always drive my pick up down the coast on the Pacific Coast Highway to check out the ocean and enjoy the beauty of the place. One early morning, about 10 years ago, I am parked along this bluff. I had gotten out and was sitting on a rock sipping a cup of coffee and smoking a cigarette.Not much traffic this time a day and nobody else was around. I hear this little sport car coming down the road toward me. I hear it down shift and pull up behind my truck.A quick glance over my shoulder and I see it is a black Porsche 924 with the top down. I am not paying attention to the driver,but hear him get out of the car and walk up."Damn that's a nice view"I heard him mumble.I was in to my own thoughts and just nod my head in agreement,take a drag off my smoke and a another sip of my coffee. Shortly,I hear this guy whistling and I realize it is the theme song from the movie The River Kwai the one with Alec Guinness where British prisoners of war have to build a bridge for the Japanese.And the sound of running water.I look over my shoulder and this guy is peeing on the back tire of my truck! I am checking him out now.He is wearing on his head one of those weird knit caps you see snowboarders wearing with the little pointed top, sides hanging over the ears and balls on strings.He has on a faded military field jacket, gray sweat pants,no socks and fancy loafers.One brown and one black.Then he rips off a fart. I hear him mutter,"hmm,ripe one". I am both amused and a little concerned about this guy.He finishes wetting down my tire.I am keeping an eye on him because he is freaking me out now. He turns around and says,Hey man could I bum a cigarette?"I reach for my pack and look at his face.I'll be damn it is Bill Murray! I hand him the smoke, light it for him,saying the only thing I could think of."You're Bill Murray!" He takes a long drag from the smoke, while looking out on the ocean, and finally says,"That's a fact Jack." He turns and walks back toward his car.He stops,turns back toward me,smiles and says,"You know no one will ever believe you".He gets back in his car and drives away. I am, for the most part,"Just glad to here."
Hello Tim, Welcome to the Writing Forums. Posting your own writing for people to comment on should not be among the very first things you do here. It is worth taking the time to see what other people have done to improve their writing, and see if some of it applies to your writing as well. That is part of why we require members to review other members' work before posting their own for review. On the other hand, there are no restrictions, other than content and copyright rules, on showcasing your work in your member blog. Also, be aware that posting a piece of writing on any public site, including this one, will greatly diminish your chances of selling it for publication. Removing the writing later does not alter that fact - once posted, it is irreversibly considered published. So do not post anything more than a small excerpt of any piece you are planning to submit for publication. If you haven't explored the site yet, you should probably do so soon. Newcomers often gravitate to the Lounge, the Word Games, or the Review Room, but there is much more to be discovered if you poke in the corners. Remember to check out our FAQ as well, and be sure to read through the forum rules, too, to avoid any misunderstandings or hurt feelings. Respect for one another is our principal mandate. As for the Review Room, new joiners often wonder why we do things a bit differently on this site than on other writing sites. We emphasize constructive critique as a vital writing skill. Training your eye by reviewing other people's work helps you improve your own writing even before you present it for others to see. Therefore, we ask members to review other people's writing before posting work of their own. The Review Room forums on this site, therefore, are true workshops, not just a bulletin board for displaying your work (and on that note, please only post each item for review in one Review Room forum). Also, please use the same thread for all revisions and additional excerpts from the same piece of writing. See this post, Why Write Reviews Before Posting My Work? for more information. And while you're looking around, don't forget to check out our Weekly Short Story Contest and Weekly Poetry Contest. They actually run more than one week apiece, but any member may enter, and all members are urged to vote for their favorites. Enjoy your stay here, and have fun!