When all your firends tell you you type too quickly. When you don't mind spending most of the weekend, including Friday and Saturday night, at home alone since the time off work means you have more time to write than during the week. When you hurry home from work just so you will be able to start writing as soon as possible. When you write while watching TV.
When you bring a little notepad with you wherever you go, so you immediately can jot down anything you see/hear/think about that can be used in your writing.
On the same note as above... When it irks you to no end when you spot SPAG mistakes in your local newspaper.
When your trying to write in internet speak to your friends on msn, but use apostrophes where you miss out letters, such as 'I'm thinkin' of not goin' ' because you can't bear to write 'I'm thinkin of not goin '
When you can barely crawl out of bed to go to work because you stayed up half the night finishing a scene. When you don't want to wake up anyway because you're in the middle of another dream about your characters. Instead of paying attention in an important business meeting, you're eyes glaze over imagining scenarios for the next scene in your novel, and suddenly everyone is staring at you and saying, "What's wrong?"
...When you start talking about a Character in your Book to your friends and they're all like "What are you talking about?" ...When you think up of a Scene for you Book and then, no matter what your currently doing, you stop everything and go write it down somewhere so you won't forget.
When you can't wait to get back to your story to see what happens next only to realize with disappointment you haven't written the next chapter yet.
I am old school in the fact I use a pen and paper until I am satisfied with what I have. Then I type it up. All edits I do, I perform on paper. I get too distracted by the computer to work efficiently with it. But at least I have really neat handwriting XD
When your mother grounds you by taking away all media used for recording. {i.e. leaving the monitor and modem, but taking the keyboard. Or, better yet, having your supplies mysteriously disappear one night] When you start to confuse yourself with your RPG character.
You know you spend too much time writing when you have nightmares about losing rep. points on the site
I'm with you on that one. Is there a support group for this behavior? Worst customer service in the cell-phone industry. I translate for them all day. They are horrid. I never learned inter-speak. I can say 'brb,' and 'lmao,' and 'lol.' That's all. Ok, now for my own... You know you spend too much time writing when you wonder if your friends will notice that you occasionally sample actual conversations for dialogue.
They aren't supposed to notice! Develop your stealth ninja eavesdropper skills, son! You know you spend too much time writing when you see a Lounge thread named "What's Your Style?" and you immediately think writing style before fashion or life philosophy.
*Dons tight-fitting, black, Ninja one-piece outfit with inexplicable, yet decorative emerald green sash and silently pads up to unsuspecting group of friends deep in conversation.* You know you’ve been writing too much when Game Room conversations inspire vivid scene visualizations.
I must admit...I did the same thing Cog.:redface: I guess I know I am too focused when I look at the clock and surprisingly, it's 2:30 in the morning...I started at 10:00 pm....yeah, I often become so consumed with it that I can't stop.
When you just have some sandwiches for dinner instead of cooking a proper meal, just because you don't want to lose valuable writing time. When you eat in front of your computer, typing between bites.
When you watch eat TV Dinners because you think you'll get an inspiration from the "TV show" Well, that also means you're dumb. But hey, it works.