It's a phrase I'm sure you all use a lot... or is it a phrase ye all use a lot? Is the word 'ye' a very Irish one?
Are you asking whether one should use "you" or "ye" in writing? If so, stick to "you" unless it's dialogue and the character uses "ye."
Ye is the archaic subject pronoun for you. I - me thou - thee we - us ye - you they - them When the informal thou dropped out of use, the subject pronoun version of you was also lost and the object pronoun was retained and serves as both subject and object pronoun. If you use ye in dialogue, it should only be used as the subject of a sentence, never the object. There are areas of Ireland where it is still in common use, even though thou is still absent. In those areas you is the singular and ye is the plural for the subject pronoun and you remains the object pronoun for both grammatical people.