Whatever: 10 Things Teenage Writers Should Know About Writing As a lot of us, I think, are teenagers or not far past it!
While it's good general advices it really doesn't apply to all teenagers. Although it gives us something to chew on, thank you for posting this, ... Person.
I LOVED THAT ARTICLE. All those people who responded with "rarr u a bad man 4 saying my riteng sux" need to stop sucking. Also, I don't see where he gets off calling that "The Statue" story crap- I loved it!
Neat read, but the part about the paper is nill; editors can't do much to you, and I should now, I am one.
That was a good read. I'm getting tired of the lack of grammar that is taught in the High School English classroom in my area. We deal more with comprehension than with anything else. Well, I'm taking A.P. Language and Composition so hopefully my grammar will improve greatly. Thank you for sharing.
Dude, that Journey song kicks ass though: Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world. She took the midnight train goin an-eeee-where... and so on... blarg, number three... I need to do what Steven King does and just lock myself in my room until I write a set number of pages... Four... There's more to life then wry mockery? Wow, learn something new every day... Interesting article, now I just have to get the crowbar and pry myself from the computer and take the advice. Especially three and five. I haven't read anything since House of Leaves almost six months ago... (great read though)
Okay, so I'm 14. I've always liked reading and have always been good at writing for my age, although I didn't used to enjoy it. Now I really enjoy writing as a hobby. None of my friends know that in my spare time I read and write because none of them show any interest in it and I'm scared they'll make fun of me. My point being is, the number of young people being interested in reading and writing is decreasing. How do you think the world can get young people back into literature?
I don't think it's decreasing at all. Maybe you're just in the wrong spot, but where I live, you can't turn a corner without bumping into a bookworm. Most of my older (yet younger, of course) friends are greatly enthused about classic literature. And as you can tell by this forum, one of the more common dreams of the teenager is to become a writer. As a 14-year-old myself, I'm kind of respected in my grade for my ability (and inclination) to tear through books, and I'm definitely respected for my writing- if anyone needs a story or script written, they go to me. I'm even writing my middle school's next play, which is a pretty big deal. If your writing is good enough, tell them, maybe someone will be interested. If they aren't interested, then you still shouldn't be worried about them making fun of you, because hey, they're your friends. And if they do make fun of you, suck it up. It doesn't matter what they think. Out of sheer curiosity(/bafflement), where do you live?
I don't think you can. Whenever someone writes a book that's awesome and worth reading by everyone, it's turned into a movie and even though the book is better, most people just go watch the movie. Me? I'm 15 now, and I've been reading since maybe seven or eight (novels, I mean. I could read and write at perhaps 5 but I not well enough for a novel). I've been writing for a few years too, but nothing really good until recently. There are a few young writers like myself on this forum. I know of others who at least write poems. Overall, though, everyone just seems too busy to "waste time" reading when a movie only takes a few hours at the most and doesn't require a lot of concentration most of the time.
I'm quite surprised that so many young people read in your area- because it certainly isn't like that where I live. I live in Scotland by the way.
To be honest, I think school English classes are a huge influence on this. I know it's compulsory for us to read the classics, but I think more of a mix between the classics and modern writing is needed. Let's face it, how many teenagers do you know that are in love with Shakespeare? Very few that I know of. It's scaring young people away from reading as a result.
I guess its just the region. Where I live, most of my friends like some form of writing and everyone knows about it, and all of them like to read as well...except for me, I rarely read. Its might be true. Everybody went through 11th grade literature without learning a thing. We do have a creative writing class, but that's just doing slightly better.
Hi, Anonymouswriter. I don't think the number of young readers and writers is shrinking; it's just not considered the "coolest" pass time among teenagers. Before the teenage years its fine for a kid to read and write, and after them it'll be fine again. Take comfort in that. Adults are usually impressed if you tell them you write.
You know what where I am at a lot of people read as well. Although it is mostly newspapers people do read a lot. And even the sexy women kick it at Barnes and Nobles. Heck that is where I go to talk to women sometimes. The women are hotter there than a club LOL.
I could C+P your entire post and it would apply to me just as well as you. I agree that people of our age group don't write, but I disagree that they don't read. You just don't know they do because you are less likely to talk about a good book you read to your friends than you are a football game or such that you won. I'm sure if you just tell your friends, they'll encourage you as mine have I.
Be confident and proud that you are reading and writing. Just tell your friends that you read/write for pleasure or that reading is a hobby. I'm sure your friends won't make fun of you for that since they have hobbies of their own.
I don't think reading for kids is a problem. Most of my friends read a decent amount of the time, and we're all varsity athletes (meaning we're not bookworms). Most people, I think, just need to be given the right book, that's all.
Really, people are going to be interested in whatever they're interested in. There isn't a "way" to convince young people to become suddenly interested in reading and writing. If reading isn't a particularly favorable pass time for them, then that's just a personal preference. If someone doesn't enjoy writing, that's also just a preference. I despise math and science, so I try to avoid both as much as possible. It's pretty much the same thing.
I'm also a very young writer at 14, and I share my love of reading and writing with all of my friends, no matter how stupid they may think it is. Reading and writing is what I love to do, just like some other young teenagers may enjoy playing video games or talking on their cell phones. I've always been a very good writer for my age, and I make good grades in school and manage to stay at the top of my class, so I don't really care if people make fun of me; I don't really know if anyone does make fun of me, though . . . Hmm . . . Anyways, the world is changing. New technology is being released every month: new cell phones, computers, video games, ect. Right now, the craze is lazing about, watching TV and becoming a couch potato. I consider myself different; I love to write, read, and play sports. I do watch TV and play games at times, but I have a hobby, and consider it a good thing.
I disagree. I know a lot of people that like to write. It just depends on a person's interest and some people have different interests. Some times if you tell someone you like to write then they might tell you that they like to write.