This could be a fun and awkward confession thread. What guilty pleasures? What movies do you love that you know are shamefully terrible, but you could watch them forever and love them still? Me, I admit that I love the movie Anaconda. I love it! Jon Voight gives the performance of a lifetime in it. And although nowhere near as terrible as this movie is made out to be, it is still an infamous bad movie. Thankfully, it's an enjoyably sort of bad movie though. And it does have some genuine good qualities. Who cares to mention the brilliant soundtrack by Randy Edelman? Or the wonderful animatronics work on the snake? Or how well the CGI snake holds up, even today? And the animatronic mixed with CGI makes it work in that nice Jurassic Park sort of way. Let's see, what other embarrassing messes do I absolutely love... Batman & Robin! It's just so much fun. And Highlander II. Terrible movie but it's fun enough to sit through, Sean Connery and Christopher Lambert chemistry makes it awesome. Mortal Kombat, one of my favorite movies of all time. I can watch that movie two times in a row. Alien: Resurrection, worst of the Alien quadrology. If not compared to the first Alien movie, it's a fun sit through. Those are the ones off of the top of my head. What are yours?
Blades of Glory, has to be my guilty pleasure. Or The Inbetweeners films- even though everyone says they're terrible.
Snatch? That's generally regarded as a great movie. I personally always hated it and thought it was pretty bad. But in general, that's one you probably won't have to feel ashamed of.
Yeah maybe I didn't get the intent. I was listing some repeaters I like to rewatch even though I've seen it a thousand times. I think all the ones I listed are good. If you mean 'so bad it's good' then I have a special list called my DRUNK MOVIE LIST of those type of movies.
I admit to loving 'Avatar' And, completely different, but (for me) fun humour: 'The Hallelujah Trail', and 'Down Periscope'. With both films I can laugh until I cry, every damn time!
I love Anaconda too. I genuinely don't think it's a bad movie! I love any kind of monster movie, no matter how "bad" it is. Sharknado, Megashark vs Crocosaurus, Supercroc vs Dinogator (saw that a few weeks ago and it really is dire), Bait, Sand Sharks... I even mention them in my novel in a tongue-in-cheek way. I don't think The Core is regarded too highly but it's one of my favourites. Guest House Paradiso, of course. "Where do your eggs come from?" "...hen's vaginas." Probably lots more I can't think of right now.
Kung Pow. Ridculous, stupid humor. I laugh every time, no matter how much I see it. It's as quotable as Airplane! or Spaceballs. One or two parts make me cringe, but it's worth seeing actors spliced into a kung-fu movie.
The Doom, adaption, hands down. I watched it originally because I had a huge crush on Karl Urban in the wake of Star Trek 2009, but continued to rewatch because I actually liked all of the characters. Besides, Dwayne Johnson is always charming and Rosamund Pike is awesome. Another is Bats, but I haven't watched it in years. It was one of the first "horror" movies I saw in theaters, and with my estranged mother, so it has a special place in my bad-movie-loving heart. More recent runner up would probably by Jupiter Ascending, the ultimate guilty pleasure I think, at least for folks who grew up reading or writing bad, self-insert-y fanfiction.
Hands down, it's The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course—Steve Irwin's pseudo documentary. Every time I watch it I laugh out loud. It really is a total hoot. Whatever you think of the late Steve—wildlife saviour with a heart of gold, or total lunatic who took insane risks—he certainly knew how to take the piss out of himself. On film.
I used to adore this movie. I should watch it again. Thanks for reminding me of it! A guilty pleasure movie of mine is Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over. I have always loved video games, and this is actually a very immersive movie that takes you into a virtual reality game. I also enjoy the Jurassic Park sequels. (The Lost World and Jurassic Park III.) They do not nearly live up to the original, obviously, but they are still fun to watch.
The Ipress File - From back when Michael Cain could still beat a mans. If... - Because Malcolm McDowell was cooler before he was Caligular. Airplane - Nuff said.
Eragon and Twilight. Only because they assist me in re-living the books...but that's another thread. I drive my family nuts with them when I'm in the mood to watch one. Do I win or am I banned?
Roadhouse. To go in the other direction, and hate a movie most rave about, I thought Pulp Fiction was a boring piece of junk.
My guilty pleasure would definitely be twilight. I love watching it when I'm sick or feeling down. Also, reading 50 Shades amuses me so much
22 Jump Street. I haven't seen 21 Jump street, and I know why it should be considered shit, but I enjoy it whenever it's on.
Any of the Marvel movies, I love how they have put their universe together. Iron Man being my favorite.
Like B-Movies in a few genres, and maybe a few lower class movies. Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back- Would probably be my guilty pleasure flick. Audition- If you like warped Asian Horror films and don't mind subtitles. I liked it as it had an interesting story. Hostel Trilogy-It is cheezy but hey it is what is. (Not the best of choices, but it was crazy to walk in for the first movie and the theater is full. And leave as one of only 5 people at the end.) Repoman: Genitc Opera- I hate musicals, but this one is my fave. It is a a fun one for me.
Grease 2 - its goony colorful fun. Also has a patriotic sex anthem - Let's do it for our Country. Lol. Popeye - love Shelley Duvall, the freaky sets, the weird music. Benji, Zax and the Alien Prince - a short lived tv series I watched as a child and rediscovered on YouTube. I'd love to remix this idea into a story. Better stop now I have weird tastes and this list could go on and on.
You'd have to have sunk real low in order for me not to watch your zombie movie. There's almost no limit of how bad it gets, I will enjoy watching.