Title says it all really - should you have kids what are their names? Have you opted for a solid traditional type name or somthing inspired by Literature? Personally I don't but if I were to I think I'd opt for Ophelia for a girl. Interesting enough to inspire intrigue and literate enough to make those that have read Hamlet question whether they read that character in the same light as I. For a boy I'm less sure - somthing more staid like Matthew - I just like it. Unless I go for Blade of course.
I'm not really sure what I'd name my children. My fiancee want a boys name that would be masculine and traditional. I quite like Lucas or Luke. A girl's name would have to be pretty but not something that is hard to spell or odd for her ethnicity. Jillian or Elizabeth.
if i had a little girl i would name her Nichola Elizabeth-Rose. and for a boy i would name him Andrew Steven-Leigh. Heather
Well, the way I see it, there's the regular, tested-and-true names, and then there's the modern weirdo names like Nevaeh that make your parents write you off of their will. So if I had to choose from the two categories (Although I'd much rather NOT choose from the latter)... REGULAR NAMES: Boy: Luke Girl: Melissa WEIRD (New-age) NAMES: Boy: Hunter Girl: Rhiannon
Well I know that the middle name of either child will be Ray. My brother asked if he could name his first kid after me, and I told him to make it the middle name instead. So I'll return the favour. As for first names, I've always liked the name Alexandria for a girl. No idea what I'd want to name a boy though.
with [my childhood nicknames for them] from the top down: julianne susan [julie/jules] jacquelyn nancy [jackie/jack-o-mine/cuddlebug] jon raymond [never found a nickname that 'worked'] victoria jean [vickie/vicki-toria/vick-wick] jennifer lynn [jen/jenny] trudi marie [tru/tru-blue] valorie joan [val/valoria/via-mia] ...and yes, i did give birth to all 7!... at last count, they've so far added 18 in the next round...
Me and my wife have three kids and a fourth due in August. My Eldest Symphony. My Son the middle one. Sebastian And my youngest daughter Serenity. Lifes to her name too. And my Son due. Hunter Symphony Sebastian Serenity Hunter ~Raven.
Mine are called: Caitlin Judith - Three names mixed together. Answers to Toad. Francesca Emily Nicole - Just for the hell of it and she answers to Yoyo.
I plan to be the forefather of a long-lasting and illustrious line of captains. It doesn't matter captain of what. As long as there is captain in the title. Captain Myst ===> Captain John Paul===> Captain Jack Pullzer==> Captain Lucius Edmund and Captain-ess Fiona Rose ===> Captain Henry Matthew, Captain Henry Patrick, Captain Robert Caspian, Captain-ess Claire Nicole===> Captain Julius Daemon, Captain-ess Susan Barbara===> Captain Harvey Cruz, Captain-ess Sonia June, Captain Bartimaeus Hagan===> Captain Lucifer Augustus and Captain James Hunter. Unfortunately, Captain James Hunter and his brother will be on an expedition whenupon James is eaten by a giant leopard seal. Luckily Lucifer escapes, but he is murdered by ghost pirates. Luckily the ghost pirates kill him on the seventy-seventh day, eighty-sixth year and twenty-first minute of the Dark Dark Dark Moon Festival- wherein anyone who dies by ghost pirate hand will become an invincible ghost captain. Captain Lucifer will change his name to Captain Alucard and ride on a ghost ship with his merry band of ghost pirates. Granted the lineage stops there, but Alucard will be sailing for eternity and all that. So yeah.
I'd love to name my baby girl someday Lady Therese and that is why I have this user name. I have read a book back when I was still in my girl boarding school and has its main character named Laura Leigh, I love it too. Those are the two that I could think of right now. My husband is the one in-charge with the boys.
I have a daughter named kaili(pronounced kaylee) If I had to choose another girl name it would be charlie. If I had to choose a boy name it would be Luca
I can't ever imagine actually having children, but I tend to like quite old fashioned names. I have to admit, most of these new-age names really bug me. It all seems a bit anal retentive to me, having a child named after a car or a place he/she was conceived, or one that has so many letters in it it looks like the whole of the alphabet scrambbled up. Why? For the love of god, give your child a name that won't make him a target for playground bullies, life is hard enough without you making it worse just to boost your goddamn image!!!!! Ok, rant over.
THANK YOU. New-age names drive me up the wall. Do those parents not realize what they are doing to their children at school?
a great big 'ditto!' to daisy and ivan!!! even thoughtlessly given fairly 'normal' names can be a torment to a kid... f'rinstance, when my youngest and her hubby were naming their first-born, i had to point out that 'aspen' as a first name would sooner or later be turned into 'ass-pen' by playground bullies... thankfully, they at least made it his middle name, so it may be overlooked...
I love the name Ella. My great-grandmother's name was Eleanore, called Ella. I also love the name Cathan, (like Nathan, but with a 'C') for a boy, it's Celtic-Irish, but my husband hates that name. We've already decided to name our first son Gabriel. So Ella and Gabriel.
Mmm...I absolutely love the name Amelia. Amelia Nicole. If I had a boy...that's more difficult. Probably Peter; yet to come up with a middle name. (I have a long time until I get to name anyone that. I'm only fourteen)
Thats a cool name man. If I have a girl im calling it Hannah-lu after my two sisters. If i have a boy Im calling him Floyd. After pink Floyd. In regards to new age names, I think if a kid is going to get bullied, his name isn't going to have much to do with it. My name's Mitch. Perfectly normal. Mitch the bitch. I know a dude called Danny. He used to get teased alot, 'danny the fanny' what not. It's senseless, but it's what kids do.
I love old classical English names, the elegant ones that sound like a little bit of sunshine whenever they roll off your tongue... ...a bit poetic there. Girls: Elizabeth Alice Rosealind and Emily Boys: Adrian Jacob Jasper and Noah
lol. You're right. You know, if you're looking for good names, trying searching on Google: 'Popular Girl Names'. That's where I got my character names, and good names for my kids, if I ever have any.
I like a lot of the Arthurian names, like Dagonet, Caelia, and Agravaine. Not many of them are really practical to name a child, though. If (god forbid) I ever have children, I like the name Gabriel for a boy, and Lyra for a girl.