I won't give to much of the story plot out but I want to know if others would think of it as an intressting read. I really do want to write it. But I'm busy. I'm doing al sorts of volunteer work and odd jobs around the feedlot plus I have to get ready for school next month (I went to a school thet went to grade nine so I have to go to a high school in my town or take an hour to a christian school in the closes city [my dad wants me to do the later]). So anyways I don't want to write this story if no one would be intressed in it and waste to much time and end up behind in work,school, and such. ~ It is a mixture of Sci fi and Fantasy. It is set in a different world and has magic (including witches) mythical creatures (Elves,dwarves,dragons and other traditional fantasy creatures/humanoids plus some of my own) Plus it invovles advance technology (such as hover bikes, touch screens and holograms) also invovles mutants ~ Setting One world where humans now a days usualy live in hightech walled cities. All the walled cities are conected by a subway system and no human citizen is allowed to leave. Non-human citizens can leave with permission or can be kicked out. The walls are to protect the safe human population from mutants. Outside these walled cities there are vast lands that include floating sky-island and wide oceans. Space travel is not important in my story and may not be mentioned. ~ This story will be about young teenagers and preteens at first but since the chances are with my overactive imagination that it'll become a series in which they grow into young adults and some of which will marry. ~ Main charracter and narrator will be a 12 year old girl who lost her memory at a young age. Knows nothing about her family or past. The key for her past is her past friend whose 14. One day they are abducted by this witch and forced to do her dirty work. They both have special blood that makes them born with powers ~ This story will most likely deal with racism, conflicted feelings about family and friends, how technology's over use can hurt us, love, defining good and evil, and finding ones own way in the world. ~ Please comment on how my story idea could be better and on what you think of it. ~ Oh and note again that I withheld a lot of it
A story concept means nothing. I can tell you now, it has all been done before. What matters is how you write it, the characterization, the flow, the imagery, all of it. There's no benefit in asking what other people think of the concept! They'll either say,"Sounds great," or, "it sounds like a ripoff of..." If the idea stirs you, write it. Then ask people what they think of the final story. After they tell you what they don't like about it, revise it, usually several times, until you're happy with it or until you throw up your hands and say the hell with it. Please read What is Plot Creation and Development?
sorry for my post then. I might as well not write it though realisticly I have no real time to do anything anyways. Knowing my luck it would work out anyways. Like my last story I'll probably get to the third to sixth chapter and give up because of my timetable. Maybe I should wait till I graduate before I get into any serious writing.
Ugh... I don't like dwarves, lol. As long as you don't make it a giant list of cliches (unless it's a parody, then you want cliches) the idea can be made to work. Mixing technology and fantasy in that way sounds to me like it would be difficult to take seriously, however.
I think the idea is fine, though what Cogito says is perfectly true - an idea in and of itself means nothing. It is the execution of the idea that matters. One issue I do see, and I think this will take some explanation, is the co-existence of magic and advanced technology. If magic is common, I would wonder whether much of the advanced technology would ever be developed, or whether science would really be pursued rigorously. Further, the development of advanced technology through the pursuit of science requires some fairly rigorous scientific laws to be in place (laws of physics, etc), and if those laws exist, does magic conflict with them? And if so, how do you resolve that? For example, the laws of thermodynamics are fundamental laws of physics. Magic could potentially fly in the face of those laws. If it does, then is physics predictable and reproduceable enough that complex inventions would ever be developed? The answer may be "yes," but I think you'd have to carefully develop your world so that the co-existence of magic and science makes sense. Certain things that are common "scientific" devices in our world might not even exist (for example, would people ever create flashlights if magic were common and one could easily produce light with it?). So that's my thought. You don't see a lot of created worlds where both high magic and advanced technology sit side by side, and I think one reason is that it takes a lot of thought to do it convincingly.
No, I think you should continue. Even if you cannot finish it because of time constraints, you can always save it for later. As Cogito's copy/paste post says, what matters is how you write it. Your idea has plenty of potenital to turn into something great. It would be a shame to let it die because of time. Besides, there is no reason for you to rush to finish. I have been working on one story for seven years.
I struggled with this idea myself the idea of magic and sci fi and personally I don't like it. However in the glory of the human mind both can replace each other. Advanced robotics can simulate magic and alternatively magic can simulate technology. so yeah, do whatever the hell you want (unless it is un-awesome because that is uncool)
I think it sounds like an awesome story. Cog's "story concept means nothing" post is a template that he posts for all of the "how does my idea sound" threads out there, so don't take it personally if you think it sounds harsh. He's just trying to say that it's not good to ask for validation. If you like the idea, write it. If it's a new concept you thought of, take some time to sit down and map out your plot, really think about it, before asking questions here about general plot aspects. I say go for it, and I like that you make the world your own instead of ripping off the same old trite Mideaval settings and stereotypical creatures. (For the ones that exist already, like elves, make them your own instead of just ripping off Tolkein). If you want help with a specific question, feel free to message me.
Don't get discouraged by Cogito's post. All he is saying is that a story idea isn't necessarily good or bad. What makes it good or bad is the writer's ability. And if you don't try to write it, then it is nothing.
Definitely still right it I know by the sounds of it your quite busy, but you can't be studying 24/7 so you'll need a break. You could use that time to write your story? One thing I do think though is that using the gifted MC is very cliche. It's alot more interesting if the MC is a normal kid who saves the world, especially since people can relate alot better. But yeh I would go ahead and write it