Hi, guys. This really wasn't my idea. I just decided to make an official thread to John Cleeves's introduction. So what are some of your pet peeves? We all have them. And yeah, they can be really funny!
Oh no, i remember a thread like this from a while ago!! *Whistles and walks away* Edit Walking outside, seeing a beautiful day, then seeing a person. Ruins the whole day. Note - My partner is the only exception.
Oh....okay. *embarassed, awkward smile* Well if it's a clutter then, Cogito, by all means, delete this thread. I wouldn't want to create another thread that has already been done before. Delete if necessary. T
Unwashed dishes. The dish/pan/pot will never be as easy to clean as it is right after using it. Why, oh why, do people leave them for later when the food is now dry and cemented to the surface? 'Splain me, Lucy!!
Sorry, but this exceeds the quota of gripe and whine threads. We already have the Not Happy thread, and have previously closed down Pet Peeve threads, and Books/People/Actors you can't stand threads. Folks, let's be a bit more positive, okay? (If anyone wonders why this would be a problem, the last time we had multiple rant threads, certain folk wouild post the same complaints on ALL the mutter growl spit threads. So we compartmentalize the negativity now. People can still get it out of their systems without making it dominate everything.)