Background: There's a plane crash. Put yourself in dave's position. you and the girl you are with have amnesia, the plane is about a footballfield's length away and slightly under water. What would be your initial reaction when you first see this? type it in third person using Dave as the person who is reacting... When she separated the leaves, the thorns dug deeper into her arm, slicing at her skin and drawing more blood with every movement. At last, she could see the puppy, which had been whining. As her radiant green eyes met with the puppy’s large hazel-colored eyes, the puppy leapt into her chest and knocked her onto her back. The fall caused the thorns to rip four large gashes in her arm just like the four before. Seeing tears stream down Sara’s face, the cub began to lick her cheeks.
What exactly is the question? Are you telling us to write an addendum to the scenario? (That would belong in Word Games) Are you asking whether we like the writing style? (That would belong in the Review Room, although it's a rather short snippet to review) Are you asking whether the plot is plausible? There's really not much there to comment on the plot, and the snippet about Sara and the puppy confuses the issue. You need to ask a specific question if you are looking for an answer.
I wanted to know how you would react to the I could put it into the story. but it doesn't matter any more; I've decided to change what happens completely.