Tell us some stories about your broken bones and bloody bits. Even a humorous story about smashing your toe on the foot of the table. Give us details! Just about a month and half ago I was riding my bike down a large hill, and my bike tire started skidding against the curb of the opposite side of the street as I was heading down. I was going to fast to turn sharp enough so that I could get off the curb, and when I looked up...bam. I ran into one of those huge brick mailboxes, and laid in the sun for about 45 minutes mostly unconscious. My injuries: A broken wrist Four or Five cracked teeth (Still unfixed, due to lack of insurance) Stitches on the bottom of my chin A few scrapes on the back of my head And the worst injury was my tongue. Imagine cutting a raw chicken breast in half lengthwise. I did that to my tongue, almost all the way through. It's healed now, but the tip of my tongue is numb. I don't remember hitting the mailbox, only it being the last thing I saw before I woke up in the hospital. The pictures of my face were awful. Blood was dried all down my neck and on my chest. A couple days later, I went to the house whose mailbox I hit, and not only did I crack and chip a few of the bricks, but talking to the home owner I learned that I had almost knocked off the concrete platform laying on top of the mailbox itself. He said it took 2 strong men to push it back into place. Show me your worst, writing forumers.
Well, let's see. I cracked a chip out of a stone window ledge when I was a kid. A friend and I were roughhousing, and he made me duck. A couple years later, I was trying out for Little League, and was standing next to the safety fence behind home plate instead of behind it. A better threw his bat, and my head split it in half. Never broke a bone. Got my nose broken once when I ran into a wall of meat (three Townies), but that was cartilege that broke.
I've been rather fortunate and quite injury free. I did once manage to all but saw the tip of my middle finger off during a spat with a table saw at work one day, but they sewed it all back together and there's scarcely more than a scar and slight deformity in the shape of the finger now. Though the nerves in the end are still quirky and extremely sensitive. I tend to be extremely cautious.
Townies? Ah, that will happen. Hooray Massachusetts... I've never broken anything but I did cut my leg on some rocks when swimming in a lake. I climbed up and walked over to where my parents and some friends were having a picnic and was met with a look of absolute horror- I hadn't even felt the rock, but I was totally covered in blood. Still have a very faint scar. Other than that, I generally use a perambulator and foam clothing so that I don't hurt myself.
- Got poisoned by a black widow spder when I was a baby That's all I can remember in the department of serious injuries
-Ruptured the anterior cruciate knee ligament in both knees playing football (aged 8). -Broke left arm as a result of suffering some sort of cyst (no bone marrow grew where I broke it - fell over while running) (aged 7 or 8 - it was 1996-1997 or so). -Split head open playing football after a high challenge (aged 12) -Broke two fingers making a save while playing in goal (while playing football) (aged 13) -Ruptured medial knee ligaments playing football (aged 17) -Dislocated left knee first time playing football (aged 19) -Dislocated left knee a further four times since (aged 20-21) -Suffered a loosened left knee medial ligament at some point when dislocating knees (aged 19-21) (still not sorted out) -Suffered a sprained back (aged 20) Remarkably, I'm injury-free for over a year.
My childhood was pretty injury free. I did tear my hamstring when I was 12 at a school athletics day. Lucky for me I got three days off of school I've also jammed my thumb in a car door. My mum managed to lock the car with me screaming beside it. That particular thumbnail is dented and if I write for too long it hurts. I also bruised my coccyx bone when I lost my footing on a runaway ball. It was quite embarrassing as it happened in front of the neighbourhood kids. The next day they had a pogo stick to play with but I couldn't have ago because I was too sore Finally, when I was about eight, I closed my eyes and managed to ride my bike right into a garden bed full of roses at home (clever thinking). I screamed so loud that my mum finally realised I wasn't playing around and found me stuck on top of the rosebushes. I had a few cuts and bruises and ruined my favourite yellow t-shirt. None of it's really major, which I'm thankful for.
I'm a little amazed that I've never broken any major bones (fingers and toes, but those don't count...) or had stitches. My worst injuries have probably been severe burns from spilling bacon grease down my arm and some crazy bruising and whiplash when I had a particularly bad fall during a scrimmage at practice.
Broke my front tooth off by falling against a big rock when I was about ten or so. I've had a crown ever since. When I was about four, I split my head open against my grandmother's dresser when I was jumping off her bed. I still have a faint scar in the middle of my forehead from that. But I've never broken a bone.
I've had lots of minor injuries. Given my recklessness, it's a miracle I'm still largely intact. A particular favourite: I was putting a flat roof on a timber frame building about twelve feet up. I made the classic mistake of cutting away the very strip of ply that was bearing on the joist that was keeping the sheet of ply, and me on top of it, aloft. I fell through the joists. On my way down the still rotating circular saw grazed my cheek about an inch from my eye, and, a little while after I landed on the concrete floor below, the sheet of 18mm ply came down on top of my hatless head. Bumps and bruises. A little blood.
A horse stepped on my foot once, and my big toenail bruised and fell off. (Sexy, I know.) I also was bucked off a horse, who then proceeded to canter right over my head. (That's why you wear your helmet, ladies and gentlemen! My riding hat saved me. I did black out for apparently 30 minutes though.) There's also that time a jetski ran over me at 60 miles per hour. That one hurt the most. I have never broken a bone, and the only lasting scar I have is behind my right ear, when I had to undergo an invasive surgery in which my right ear had to be severed off almost completely. I looked like I'd been through serious brain surgery for weeks after that one. I'm always impressed that I live to see the next day. I am involved in so many near-accidents on the road every day, at least 2 for every long trip I take (and there are many long trips in each week). The only real car accident I've been in (in which an SUV T-boned me), my right ear was pretty badly cut up, but I was otherwise just fine.
My dad chopped the tip of his index finger off when I was a child. He was chopping a head of lettuce and he sliced it right off. It grew back in about a month, actually.
Never broken a bone or had any serious injuries - just cuts, scrapes, bruises, that's about it. Though one time in high school I had a hook style key chain on my zipper of my backpack - I was zipping it shut when I somehow managed to not only make the key chain go clear through the tip of my finger, but it closed at the other side. On the way to the nurse, my friend had to carry my backpack as my finger was attached to it. I went to the nurse in tears and they had to bring in maintenance to use wire cutters and cut it out of my finger. I felt like a sissy afterward though, as I returned to class with nothing more than a bandaid on my finger lol.
Ouch. I poured hot oil from a tray of roast potatoes over my bare foot once. Not fun... Never had any broken bones or stitches. Woo...
I've been pretty much injury free these twenty years I've been on earth. There were a few minor injuries but nothing serious. A log once fell down on my pinky finger and the nail came out. No blood thank goodness. I once embedded a fishing hook into the flesh of my hand once. You can still see the faint scar. I also cut my knee from a nail that was hiding beneath a loose piece of carpet. There's a more visible scar there. I also got water on the knee a few years ago from roughing around on a trampoline. It swelled up so big it wasn't even funny. I could barely bend it for weeks afterwards. And then there's that infamous event where my brother and I decided to throw rocks at each other. I remember vividly him throwing one at me one moment and then the next I was running towards the house, screaming my head off. He had accidentally chipped a part of my bottom tooth. It hurt wicked bad.
When I was in sixth grade we had an no school day due to snow and ice. I was walking down my hill to my house and slid on some ice and twisted my foot on a twig and my leg went behind my head whenever I fell with my foot at an odd angle.. IT broke right at the growth plate.. no more growing me. Whenever I was in eighth grade we had an unnecessary bus wreck. (I swore that bus driver was on crack or drunk one.) and I got a few strains and pulled muscles and a concussion. That's about as serious as I'd ever been.. (Don't want anything else.. ) Edit: Also forgot that when I was about three or four.. I was a little mischievous thing and wondered what a pocket knife was.. Lets say I ended up picking it up by the blade.. didn't go so well.. My poor pinky. (All better now though )
I was fishing with my grandfather once in southern Illinois, (where he was living) and I managed to do the same. My grandfather was kind of an old country boy, so anytime things like this happened, he'd say, "Aw hellfire. If it ain't bleedin' don't cry!" Okay fine, but as soon as you remove this steel hook from my hand, I'm betting it will start bleedin'.
^ Of course! Haha, actually it just pulled at the thin epidermis layer so I didn't see any blood. But haha, that makes me think of my grandfather. He was kind of a military general ruler and would tell my mom not to cry even if she was bleeding. "Knock it off!" He'd say. Oy....
About three years ago, I dropped a beef roast into the hot oil it had been browning in. The grease splashed up my right wrist. I immediately flooded the entire wrist with cold running water, but I already had a series of second degree burns up my forearm. Had to wear a burn dressing, changed daily, for weeks. All that remains now are a couple nearly imperceptable pale spots, each about the size of a pinto bean, at the base of the thumb at the back of my hand, where the deepest burn was. I had forgotten about until Pea mentioined the hot oil burn.
^Ooh, yikes, Cog. That's pretty heavy duty. But you're reaction was smart. Last year my brother-in-law dropped a boiling pot of soup (he works at a big restaurant in Boston near Fenway Park) on the floor and it splashed all over his ankle. He had to get a skin graft from his hip and now it's this thick purply color. It hurt wicked bad.
Oh, jesus. Speaking of hot soup... When I was a server a couple years ago, I witnessed one of our other servers spill a bowl of hot chili over a baby's head that was just innocently propped up in his high-chair. The baby ended up just fine after everyone had taken turns wiping its head with various rags and napkins. Our server cried for a good ten minutes. She never got fired though.
^Awuh! I would have felt sooo bad! D: Glad the baby was okay though, that's a real good thing. I'm glad the worker didn't get fired as well, I know something like that wouldn't be intentional.
A little bit off subject, but one of the servers I worked with did get fired after an incident with a customer. It went something like this... "Good afternoon, and welcome. What will we be having today?" "Hm, not sure. How's the veal cutlets?" "I don't know, I don't eat fish." Absolutely stunning how he got a job when he didn't know the difference between those two things.