Personal pieces

  1. All Eggs, One Basket

    Instead of a notebook, I have a notebook-sized 28-ring binder. That means the first page is always a clean sheet because I can shuffle the order of the loose-leaf pages around. Last weekend I even got those cardboard divider-tabs: research notes for epic fantasy in the yellow section, quotes and mixed ingredients of ideas (not quite half-baked ideas) that I use as prompts in baby blue, poems and weird dreams in pink, rants/raves/reflections from everyday life in green... And on Monday, my...
  2. Mighty Morphin'

    Yup, just wasn't in the mood for it. A couple of days ago, though, I took to one of the prompts: "Where do you come from? Describe the landscape, people, etc. Do you visit?" In the middle of writing it out as prose, though, I struck an irresistable rhyme (...defeated, the wind sighs and flies and soars out the French doors.) (Hey, the prompt required describing the landscape, a'ight?) My brother, who actually went to college to study poetry, tries to steer clear of cheesy archaic...
  3. What a Year!

    As 2022 comes to an end, most of us are reflecting back on the year and others mine as well be in 2023. getting those resolutions ready to be forgotten about by the second week of January if they're lucky to make it that long. I've tried that I don't know how many times and I never felt like I was actually changing. well until this year. The beginning of the year had all the magic; I thought 2022 was gonna be the year where everything just magically turned perfectly. Between trying to be a...
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