
  1. I need help deciding on a place for a pack of werwolves

    I need help deciding on where and what area or town on the west coast could be preferably close to what I need for the pack land in the werewolf book I am writing . Any help is very appreciated and accepted . so here it is what is needed exactly : 1). west coast town 2). a small town at least 30 mins from any small city were they would have the necessities like a mall or fancy restaurants and of course humans would be here but not in the werewolf town 3). in this small town I'd like to...
  2. It's Done!!!

    Well, sort of... As some of you may know, I've spent the last 3 months scrambling to finish my novel. I started last Christmas, but hit a series of dead-ends in the plot and wasted away the majority of the year with outlines and irrelevant research. Finally, somtime around the middle of September, I just said, "Just write" and I did. I didn't restart every chapter because I didn't think it was good enough; I just fought through it. And, in the three months since then, I've written around...
  3. Update: 100 page mark!

    Just thought I'd provide a small update on my progress with my novel. I began working on the story around a year ago, but hit many problems pertaining to the historical backround and innacuracies. After several months of investigation, I'm finally back on track. I've got around 41,000 words done and have written around 120 pages of material. I've been trying to write 1,000 words every day of the week and have beeing around 5,000 on Friday and Saturday nights. I hope to complete the first...
  4. Introduction

    Hey everybody! This first blog is just going to be an intro so I can learn a bit about me. I'm an aspiring fiction writer with hopes of becoming an action/adventure novelist. My favorite authors include Clive Cussler, James Rollins, Matthew Reilly, Vince Flynn, Stephen Hunter, and Brad Thor. My live revolves almost entirely upon writing, reading, and school and I am currently in the process of outlining and beginning my first novel. I'm an ameutur guitar player that likes progressive rock...
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