I've been browsing through this site, but I finally signed up today. Just wanted to say hi, and that I'm happy to be here. I'm ready to start my writing journey, which I'm inspired by gaming and movies. Mostly gaming, seeing that I'm getting a game design degree. Anyways, I'm happy to be here!
Hey Joe, welcome to WritingForums.org. Glad you turned from lurker to member. I'm sure you'll like it here. I'm not sure what the technical name is called, but have you given any thought to writing the story line for games? Seems that something like that might be right up your alley. Unfortunately I know absolutely nothing about doing such things. Since you're new I encourage you to read over the forum rules. We also have two new member guides (New Here? and Newbie Packets), which might be a little outdated but offer some good insights to some basics around here. If you have any questions, we also have a FAQ page. If you have any questions about using WritingForums.org or just wanna chat, feel free to drop me a line. Welcome!