I seem to have misspelled my username. Oh well. Along with game design, writing is something I've wanted to do for a long time but haven't put much effort towards until the past two years. I have lots of ideas, some of which have existed since elementary school. The trouble is choosing the right words to express them. I've written quite a few things in the past month, but for the most part they aren't actual short stories. They're just practice. Almost all of them belong to the same setting, a parallel version of the Earth with over three times its circumference. I have the basics of this world penned out fairly well, but I don't want to write anything very large until I get a better feel for what I'm doing. My goal is to finish at least one short story I can be reasonably proud of by the end of this summer.
Welcome to the forum. I assume the full name for ATP was what you were after? Fixed. Check your bowser keychains in case you've already saved. Please have a quick read through the New Member Quick Start where you'll find link to the Forum Rules, and the FAQ. Have fun! Wrey
Hello ATP, welcome to the forum. Adenosine triphosphate ... don't see it's misspelled unless you meant your name to be something else. Whoops, I see our resident supermod fixed it for you.
Or you could do what some of us do, write it poorly to get the ideas onto the paper then edit it to make it a masterpiece.
I was planning on doing that with a few of my short passages, getting some feedback on the general writing quality, and then making something bigger.