Hi everyone. I just had a few questions: - I was just wondering if anyone else has a blog (or some kind of online/public collective) specifically for their writing? - What do you use to store or organize all of your writing projects? - What do you do with writing exercises and experimental pieces? Thank you for your time. JC
...i have a website [see below] ...ms word 2007... i keep all in file folders on my laptop's desktop and back it up on a flash drive... i also keep hard copies of my work, for easy reference and to let visitors browse through, when the occasion rises... ...nothing, since i don't do exercises... and everything i write is for sharing with my readers and i don't consider any of it 'experimental' since i've been writing for many decades and have written just about anything that takes words by now...
- I was just wondering if anyone else has a blog (or some kind of online/public collective) specifically for their writing? I do but I rarely do anything with it. Eventually I'll probably put more effort into it, but right now I have too much else going on. - What do you use to store or organize all of your writing projects? Everything is on my computer, which is backed up automatically to Mozy every few hours. It's all organized by title (or tentative title) except for a huge "Ideas" folder - which is a mess of miscellaneous docs and folders. (But that makes it fun to browse through) - What do you do with writing exercises and experimental pieces? I rarely do either.
Hi, I keep a blogabout my writing. I'm sure most writers who go through the publishing process, whether self publishing or otherwise do. It's sort of recommended as a way of promoting your work. http://gregcurtisauthor.blogspot.com/ I don't however twitter, although that's also recommended for aspiring authors these days - but who the heck wants to know what I had for breakfast. I do keep a facebook page, but it's somewhat limited since I'm clueless about most social networking stuff. http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002316745704&ref=ts If you're looking at publishing and selling your work, I'd recommend at least these two steps. Cheers, Greg.
I have a 'writing' folder on my desktop. It has a few short stories and a couple manuscripts. I don't share the latter until I'm done with them. All other short stories I write longhand and tape to the walls of my apartment, like wallpaper, or a serial killer wall. That way I can look at them all at once and anyone who comes by can read them if they want.
I keep my stuff mostly on the laptop. Some stuff I've saved onto a USB stick. I don't do writing exercises. No blog either.
Thank you all for your responses. It's interesting to know that methods differ from writer to writer and that there isn't really a standard.