I have no idea whether my novel will be published or not. Regardless of outcome though, I really want to shout from the rooftops how much I adore my publisher. I sent him a thirty page excerpt thirteen days ago and yesterday he asked me to send him the whole thing if I was ready. I told him that I would send it today after a quick read through, and did, but prefaced it with the concern that I really don't know what the word 'ready' meant in this context. Three minutes later the owner/co-editor of the traditional publishing house that has been around for forty years called me at home and said without even a hello, "Ready is when you aren't going to lose sleep over the fact that you sent it to me. I've seen your other book and I know how clean you can make it when you want - so I'm not worried about that. I liked what I read so far and wanted to see the rest. I'm just calling to tell you to relax and get some sleep; you probably need it." How flippin' awesome is that. I really do love this guy.
That sounds like good news to me. And it is! Having already published a book, and probably another one on the way (a writer's baby), there's no way you can't whoop for joy at that news. I'm currently half way through the third draft of my second novel. The first novel went nowhere, because let's face it, it was my first one. Maybe I'll revise it in a few years. But my second one should be ready for agent-hunting in (hopefully) less than six months. It's my dream to publish just one novel, so for you to most likely have two published is immense. Break open a bottle of wine!
Actually the first book was a how-to. This is my first novel... but I included Chapter 1 of the second book as I hope to make a series out of it. Anyway, thank you so much for the support.
Congratulations!! And yes, your publisher sounds very sympathetic and understanding - not everyday you have such a nice boss (sorta boss lol). Hugs all round!!