So have any of you guys used Outskirts Press or Tates Publishing to publish any sort of work? If so, would you recommend either to me as a first time publisher? At the moment I am looking at Outskirts Press for my first option, then whatever I can find for my other option. I still have a decent amount of work to do before I am ready to publish (word count in my signature) but I figure that its never to early to start finding publishing options. Anyone that has had any good experiences from a certain publisher, feel free to send me a link to their site. I want you guys' opinions on Outskirts Press, and then suggestions please. Thanks. here Outskirts website if anyone feels like checking it out.
outskirts is a vanity press... tate is a subsidy publisher and 'not recommended' on p&e... you should always check there, first: why are you settling for vanity/subsidy/self-publishing from the get-go, instead of trying for an agent and a paying publisher?