Hi All, I have just had a reply from a publisher regarding 3 sample chapters they requested after my synopsis was received. It's a book on film and would use various screen shots from various films. "I have handed the materials off to an editor who has worked on a similar project and may contact you with some insight re: permissions, etc. " Do you think the reply implies permissions regarding using screen shots of films. It is a large international publisher and this is my first book thathas taken 3 1/2 year up to this point. Thanks, Jamie.
Exciting stuff! I'd just hold tight until the editor contacts you, as difficult as that may seem right now. It sounds like this person might have some good advice for you. Without knowing anything about your project or your pitch its hard to say whether they may be referring to screen shots in particular or just referencing specific films. I know that waiting is the hardest thing--I'm waiting on a response to a requested partial manuscript right now--but hang on. And good luck!
Jamie. Well i did include various screenshots in the sample chapters. I know i will have to get permissions for many of them although i do have permission for some. I figured a sample chapter is fair enough as it is not published and i am not currently making money from it in anyway. Get published and that's a different matter. Sorry Cryssfox, what do you mean exactly by "It sounds like this person might have some good advice for you."? Thanks.
yes, of course it does, since that is a vital issue... legally, since you showed this to at least one person, i believe you're still infringing on the copyright and should have gotten permission first... you need to study the laws on the matter... www.copyright.gov